
Picture 1. Rivina humilis

Habitat: Slightly shaded localities, open jungles, up to 1,700 m above sea level, 

Characteristics: Erect shrub, 0.4-2 m tall; leaves, ovateoblong or ovate-lanceolate, very obtuse, rounded or subcordate base, smooth upper side, hairy underside, 4-12 x 1.5-4 cm; inflorescences, erect to spreading, racemes, thinly short-hairy, 4-10 cm long, many-flowered; flowers, white or green to pink or purplish; fruit, berry, bright red, 3.5-4 mm in diameter; seeds, covered with short hair, 2 mm in diameter , 

Spot character: Fuilds of fruit is red like the blood (Getih) same as the color of fruit

Benefit: Dye, ink and ornamental plant, 

Propagation: Seed

Location in UPI: Zone 1 of UPI Botanical Garden
