
Picture 1. Pinus merkusii

Famili  : Pinaceae
Genus  : Pinus
Species : Pinus merkusii Jungh. & De Vriese
Local name : Pinus

Habitat: Open, savannah-like areas, tropical forests, 400-1,500 m above sea level

Characteristics: Tree, 35-45 m tall, 60-80 cm in diameter; bark, thick, rough, orange-red, deeply fissured at base, thin and flaky in the upper crown; leaves, needle-like, 15-20 cm x 1 mm, green to yellowish green, in pairs; cones, narrow conic, 5-8 x 2 cm, green at first, ripening to glossy, red-brown; seeds, oval, slightly flat, 5-7.5 mm long, with a 15- 20 mm wing

Spot character: single leaf, divided into two pieces (needle-like)

Benefit: Timber and resin

Propagation: Seed

Location in UPI: Gymnasium, Isola, Bareti Park
